Journey into antiquity

9 ancient cities that are interesting even now

Journey into antiquity

Ancient cities seem to live outside of time. From historical settlements, long abandoned by people, sand is literally pouring, but at the sight of each of them goosebumps run down the skin. Many of these buildings have become symbols of the countries in which they are located, and modern residents like to associate themselves with the memory of their ancestors.

Petra, Jordan

The legendary Petra, the capital of the ancient Nabataean state, was founded in the 4th century BC. and was located at the crossroads of trade routes. This city, once the richest and most flourishing, began to fade after a devastating earthquake in the 4th century AD. Crusaders, Arabs and local treasure hunters continued the destruction started by the natural disaster, sacking and destroying Petra.

Fortunately, cities of this size are not so easy to completely destroy, and today in this part of Jordan you can see dozens of temples and tombs carved into bright rocks, which continue to amaze with their majesty.

On the way to Petra, you will follow the same route as the ancient Nabataeans, along the narrow and cool banks of the Siq River, after which you will emerge to the famous temple of El Khazneh. After the turn, the Roman amphitheater will open in front of you, designed for seven thousand spectators, and if you have the strength to climb the 800 steps, you will be rewarded with a view of the rock monastery on the top of the cliff.

Angkor, Cambodia

Even the most experienced travelers remain in awe of the grandeur of Angkor. While the first wooden fortifications were just beginning to be erected in Moscow, and the number of inhabitants of London barely exceeded 50 thousand, the capital of the Khmer Empire already had about a million inhabitants.

Angkor, one of the most significant cities of antiquity, served as the capital of the Khmer Empire from the 9th century onwards. It has not yet been established why it was abandoned in the 15th century. After the residents left, the city was swallowed up by the jungle, but the main treasures of Angkor survived. In Cambodia, you can still see about a hundred magnificent temples with unique architecture, many statues and exquisite bas-reliefs.

Plan at least two days for sightseeing in Angkor. Angkor Wat itself is larger than the Vatican. The minimum route usually includes another 5-10 temples scattered over an area of 400 square kilometers. This may seem like a test even for hardy hikers, but Angkor is rarely explored on foot - in nearby Siem Reap you can rent a bike or find an auto rickshaw driver.

Machu Picchu, Peru

The original name of the forgotten Inca city disappeared along with its inhabitants: Machu Picchu was built in the middle of the 15th century and left just a hundred years later during the Spanish colonization of South America. The Spanish conquerors never reached this mountainous city, so its condition remained magnificent. Machu Picchu has become a real magnet for tourists after being included in the list of the New Seven Wonders of the World.

You can get to Machu Picchu by public transport - train or bus. However, it will be much more exciting to hike along the scenic ancient Inca trail, where dizzying heights, breathtaking landscapes and rapidly changing climatic zones await you. During this 43 km four-day trip, you will also be able to see the ruins of other ancient Inca cities, which, although not as impressive as Machu Picchu, are still of interest.

Chichen Itza, Mexico

Long before the arrival of Columbus, the Maya had already developed a writing system and a solar calendar, developed a sophisticated religion and architecture, and mastered the process of making cocoa. They founded hundreds of cities, which were later abandoned - the reasons for this are still a matter of debate among scientists. Chichen Itza, one of the key cities of that time, provides an excellent opportunity to imagine what life was like in Mesoamerica and why the Mayan civilization suddenly disappeared.

The Pyramid of the "Feathered Serpent" Kukulkan is a key attraction of Chichen Itza. There is a belief that if you clap your hands near the stairs, the echo in response will reproduce the sound of a bird. In addition, on the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes, shadows fall on the pyramid in such a way that the illusion of a snake crawling up the stairs is created.

Hampi, India

Vijayanagara, an ancient city in the state of Karnataka, India, has long been abandoned and its original name has been lost over time - today it is known as Hampi, after the name of a nearby settlement. However, in the past Vijayanagara was the center of South India, and the greatness of those times is still felt. Exquisitely carved temples, majestic statues of Hindu gods, huge elephant stalls, aqueducts, pools, a royal palace and an impressive stone chariot all look like they could easily survive another millennium.

In order to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere, it is worth sacrificing sleep and climbing a mountain consisting of huge boulders before dawn. Surrounded by breathtaking landscapes, you will feel like a character in an ancient Indian epic.

Sukhothai, Thailand

There are two places in Thailand called "Sukhothai". To avoid confusion, the ancient city, which was the center of the kingdom of the same name between the 13th and 15th centuries, is commonly referred to as the Sukhothai Historical Park. Although not all buildings on its territory have survived to this day, dozens of temples and stupas impress with their good condition and majestic appearance.

You can visit the ancient capital and see the majestic 15-meter statue of the seated Buddha if you go from modern Sukhothai by songteo taxi, the journey will take about 20 minutes. For convenience, it is recommended to use a bicycle, which can be easily rented on site.

Bagan, Myanmar

Bagan, an ancient city that was once the capital of the kingdom of the same name in the lands of today's Myanmar, the place where the kings of the Bagan dynasty from the 11th to the 13th century built thousands of pagodas and shrines. This historic city is located 145 km southwest of Mandalay. Archaeological excavations are currently underway here.

There are no residential and administrative buildings left in Pagan. However, on the territory of 40 square kilometers in Myanmar along the Ayeyarwaddy River there is a huge number of Buddhist temples, pagodas, monasteries and stupas. Walking among actively used and abandoned, restored and dilapidated structures can be pleasant even without a specific plan: you will still notice the main sights. In order to appreciate the full scale and see all two thousand temples at the same time, you can fly in a hot air balloon.

Ephesus, Turkey

Ephesus is an ancient city located on the western coast of Turkey, south of Izmir, near the Small Menderes River, known in ancient times as Kaistr. This city is one of the most famous tourist attractions in Turkey and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Ephesus is an amazing cultural landscape in which traces of ancient Greek, Roman, Byzantine and Seljuk civilizations have merged.

In antiquity, Ephesus was one of the most important cities of the Hellenistic world, located on the shores of the Aegean Sea. Its prosperity was due to active trade, but over time, the bay became shallow and the sea receded, which led to the decline of the city. Frequent earthquakes in the region then buried Ephesus underground until it was discovered by archaeologists in the 1860s.

Pompeii, Italy

Pompeii, one of the most famous abandoned cities in the world, has a unique feature - we know the exact day of its destruction. The eruption of Mount Vesuvius on August 24, 79 forever stopped life in Pompeii and two nearby cities - Herculaneum and Stabia.

Pompeii, located near Naples, today is a huge open museum where you can see the ruins of temples, theaters, residential areas and city fortifications. Plan to dedicate at least half a day to leisurely explore the basilica, the aqueduct, the baths, and appreciate the grandeur of Pompeii. A separate "exhibit" is the dormant volcano Vesuvius, the view of which is breathtaking.

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