Argentina – the most hospitable country in the world

Pros and cons of living in Argentina

Argentina – the most hospitable country in the world

The unstable political situation and the impending global economic crisis are prompting more and more people to think about relocation to distant countries. Argentina, located in the southeast of South America, is a good option for moving: it has a culture similar to a Westerner, beautiful nature and, most importantly, a simple and understandable system of legalization and a quick receipt of a country's passport. Even so, immigration is a difficult process for many people. In the article we will tell you in detail about the pros and cons of living in this hospitable country, which will help you make the right choice.

A bit of history

Argentina began to attract foreigners as early as the beginning of the 19th century. Immigration statistics began to be kept from 1857 - and from that moment until the start of the Second World War, about 7 million people moved to the country: Italians, Spaniards (mainly Galicians and Basques), Germans, French, Poles and Russians. By the end of the 19th century, the number of immigrants accounted for more than half of the population and had a good effect on the country - the Europeans raised agriculture and brought Argentina a lot of income.

Already after the end of the war, the allies of the Hitler regime began to come to Argentina. There were no political persecutions in the country, which became the only chance for more than 800 thousand people for a new quiet life.

Today, about 150 thousand people come to Argentina every year, many of them subsequently receive a passport and citizenship of the country. In 2022, the number of visitors increased, mainly citizens of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

What's good?

+ Argentines are friendly, helpful and energetic people. If you find yourself in the company of Argentines, you will feel comfortable and easy - they will welcome you with open arms. This people is distinguished by the ability to enjoy the moment and appreciate every day of life.

+ In Argentina, racial discrimination is completely absent, and people of a different race or nationality cause here not rejection, but keen interest. This is due to the fact that the population of Argentina consists mainly of emigrants.

+ Thus, there is a good attitude towards emigrants here. The country organizes holidays dedicated to various countries - this is how the contribution of foreigners to the culture and society of Argentina is celebrated. During these events, you can try the national cuisine, enjoy the dances and costumes of these countries. Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, regularly organizes such celebrations, which attract both locals and guests from different countries.

+ All religions are respected in Argentina, despite the fact that Catholicism is the official religion in the country. Muslims, Buddhists, Jews and others feel good here and do not feel discrimination or oppression.

+ Argentina has the richest nature, and the climate varies from subtropical in the north to subantarctic in the south. Most of the country lives in a temperate climate: in the northern regions, summers are hot and humid, and winters are dry. The southern regions of Argentina are characterized by warm summers and cold, snowy winters.

+ Developed roads and autotourism. In the north of the country, you can drive along a good asphalt road to almost any village, they take care of toll roads, there are gas stations everywhere. Also, in Argentina there is a road Ruta 40, which is similar to the main highway in the world Route 66 in the USA. This is the longest and most beautiful road in the country, and for car travelers it is a great honor to drive through it completely.

+ Well, and most importantly: the Argentine passport provides its citizens with freedom of movement, since it allows you to visit more than one hundred countries without a visa, including all EU countries. This makes the Argentine passport one of the most powerful in the world. You can apply for it 2 years after the move, which is one of the fastest legalization processes.

According to Argentine legislation, a child born on the country's territory acquires citizenship immediately and parents are granted with resident permit. Typically, moms-to-be arrive in Buenos Aires 2-3 months before the expected due date and register at a hospital, either private or public. In 2022, this type of tourism became so popular that the country's authorities considered implementing quotas for granting citizenship based on "birthright".

What's not so good?

- The country has a high level of inflation, and there are also 2 exchange rates of the Argentine peso to world currencies: the official and the so-called blue, about 2 times higher than the bank one. Therefore, everyone changes money “off the books” and almost never pays with cards - cash is in use here. But cryptocurrency and even cryptomats are very popular (the courier will bring you the money anywhere you ask), as well as Western Union transfers - you will be given cash in pesos, but at the blue rate.

- Although there are only a few deprived areas in Argentina, it is recommended to always be careful and not draw attention to expensive appliances or jewelry. In general, compared to other countries in Latin America, Argentina is considered a relatively safe country.

- Punctuality is not always respected in Argentina. Being 20, 30 or even 40 minutes late is considered commonplace. To be sure that the meeting will still take place, it is recommended to check with the Argentine several times what time he or she plans to come.

- To live here you need to learn Spanish. Of course, you can use sign language, but still, most Argentines do not speak English, which will greatly complicate the adaptation process for you. If in Buenos Aires you can still understand each other, but in other cities and remote areas, knowledge of the official language is necessary.

- And finally, despite all the hospitality of the Argentines, it is quite difficult to get used to their mentality. A European or American who got used to precision and planning will find it difficult to interact with relaxed and slightly carefree locals. The famous philosophy of Latin America, mañana, which means “tomorrow” in Spanish, flourishes here with might and main.

The process of moving to another country is always stressful and challenging.

To make things a little easier in the beginning, book your trip on fedafone booking and don't forget to buy a fedafone eSIM with mobile internet bundles for Argentina. You can arrange it in advance so that upon arrival you are already connected to the mobile Internet.